Key Terms

Jetmir Arifaj Monday, June 16,2014 Draft #1 Prof: Tim McCormack Key word

• Vernacular is the native language or native dialect. In other words can be as everyday language of one country or locality. Vernacular is specific language of one population and especially in the context of second language that is more widely spoken. According to my research Vernacular as a mother language and dialect are already in use in a modern sense. Referring to Merriam-Webster, “vernacular” was brought into the English language as early as 1601 from the Latin vernaculus (“native”) which had been in figurative use in Classical Latin as “national” and “domestic”, having originally been derived from vernus and verna, a male or female slave respectively born in the house rather than abroad. The figurative meaning was broadened from the little extended words vernaculus, vernacu.

• Polyglot is the ability of a person to master a numerous of languages. There are many theories that they explain the existence of polyglotism in some individuals, including differences in intellect and brain structure. For example is a theory that explains a person who knows more then one language has more capability to learn a new language with less effort then a person who speaks only one language.

• Code- switching. In linguistics, code switching occurs when a speaker substitutes between two or more languages, or language varieties, in the context of a single conversation. Multi-lingual speakers of more than one language sometimes use elements of multiple languages when conversing with each other. The practice of moving back and forth between two languages or between two dialects or registers of the same language. Also called code mixing. Code switching happens far more often in conversation than in writing.

• Alliteration is often associated with literacy. The definition of Alliteration is the initiation of two or more words of a word group with the same letter, as in apt alliteration’s artful aid. The origin of Alliteration early 17th century: from Medieval Latin alliteratio(n-), from Latin ad- (expressing addition) + littera ‘letter.

• Phonology is part of linguistic the word phonology comes from Greek which means “voice, sound,” and the suffix -logy which also coms from Greek and has been added as part of logos (word, speech, subject of discussion). A definition of the term phonology is the study of sound pertaining to the system of language.

• Appeal to authority is the inconsistency in which a speaker or writer seeks to persuade the audience not by giving evidence but by using a popular person or his authority to make the audience that what he or she is saying is true. The origin of the expression is coming from Latin word verecudia, which means modestly or shyness. And argument ad vercudiam means literacy. Translate word-by-word means argument toward modesty though the phrase is reduced in English as Argument Authority.

• Loose Sentence also called a cumulative sentence is a sentence structure in which a main clause is followed by more coordinate or subordinate phrases and clauses. As Felicity Nussbaum points out, a writer may use loose sentences to give “the impression of spontaneity. Basically Loose Sentence structure adds modifying elements after the subject, complement, and verb.

• Subordinate is a word, phrase, and clauses that make one element of a sentence dependent on another or subordinate. A subordinate clause also called a dependent clause begins with a subordinate conjunction or a relative pronoun and will contain both a subject and a verb. This combination of words will not form a complete sentence. It will instead make a reader want additional information to finish the thought.

• Allegory is the device of using character or story elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addition to the literal meaning. In some allegories, for example, an author may intend the characters to personify an abstraction like hope or freedom. The allegorical meaning usually deals with moral truth or generalizations about human exist. According to allegory is a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.

  • • Figurative Language is the language that contains figures of speech, such as images and metaphors, in order to create associations that are imaginative rather than literal. Figurative language refers to words, and groups of words, that exaggerate or alter the usual meanings of the component wordsPrimary research is any type of research that a person went out and collected by him or herself. Examples include surveys, interviews, observations, and ethnographic research. A good researcher knows how to use both primary and secondary sources in her writing and to integrate them in a cohesive fashion. A real example is the dada that we collected through 24 hours for the second project.
  • Genre is a category of literature, a way to organize and define various types of fiction. Writers are familiar with the main genres, such as romance or mystery, and readers are most familiar with them. They are many types of genre such as, action, comedy, adventure, fiction, non-fiction and many more. Genre to authors is the way they write what kind of type of writing they do.

3 thoughts on “Key Terms

  1. • Primary research is any type of research that a person went out and collected by him or herself. Examples include surveys, interviews, observations, and ethnographic research. A good researcher knows how to use both primary and secondary sources in her writing and to integrate them in a cohesive fashion. A real example is the dada that we collected through 24 hours for the second project.
    • Genre is a category of literature, a way to organize and define various types of fiction. Writers are familiar with the main genres, such as romance or mystery, and readers are most familiar with them. They are many types of genre such as, action, comedy, adventure, fiction, non-fiction and many more. Genre to authors is the way they write what kind of type of writing they do.

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